Linken / Links

Musea / Museums
Museum Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
Museum Volkenkunde Leiden, The Netherlands
Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Museum Nusantara Delft, The Netherlands (closed, January 2013)
Museum Bronbeek Arnhem, The Netherlands
Discussieforums / Discussion Forums
Ethnographic Arms & Armour Forum
Indonesische traditionele wapens / Indonesian traditional weapons
Atchin Aceh arms, Aceh people, military, medals of the KNIL
BigYellowBird To encourage the interest in the collection of antique weapons from Asia and Africa and to share our knowledge
Informatie en Foto's / Information and Images
KITLV Beeldbank Digital image library
Begrippenlijst Nederlands-Indië General information about the Dutch East Indies
Handelaars in etnografische voorwerpen / Dealers in ethnographic objects
EriksEdge Tribal weapons, swords & shields from Indonesia, the Philippines, Africa, Oceania & Asia
Oriental Arms A source for the study, understanding and purchasing of antique arms and armor
Ashoka Arts Antique, Islamic, Tribal weapons from all around the world and related artifacts
Tribal Art Finder Collecting and selling non-western art
Batavia Collectables Antique (tribal) Arms & Armour from the far East
Museum Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
Museum Volkenkunde Leiden, The Netherlands
Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Museum Nusantara Delft, The Netherlands (closed, January 2013)
Museum Bronbeek Arnhem, The Netherlands
Discussieforums / Discussion Forums
Ethnographic Arms & Armour Forum
Indonesische traditionele wapens / Indonesian traditional weapons
Atchin Aceh arms, Aceh people, military, medals of the KNIL
BigYellowBird To encourage the interest in the collection of antique weapons from Asia and Africa and to share our knowledge
Informatie en Foto's / Information and Images
KITLV Beeldbank Digital image library
Begrippenlijst Nederlands-Indië General information about the Dutch East Indies
Handelaars in etnografische voorwerpen / Dealers in ethnographic objects
EriksEdge Tribal weapons, swords & shields from Indonesia, the Philippines, Africa, Oceania & Asia
Oriental Arms A source for the study, understanding and purchasing of antique arms and armor
Ashoka Arts Antique, Islamic, Tribal weapons from all around the world and related artifacts
Tribal Art Finder Collecting and selling non-western art
Batavia Collectables Antique (tribal) Arms & Armour from the far East