The Javanese Kris .....OUT OF PRINT.....
Isaäc Groneman, David van Duuren (introduction and preface)
English translation of Dr. I. Groneman's articles published as 'Der Kris der Javaner' in German (1910-1913) in the Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie 19 & 21. An epoch-making early study of the Javanese kris, in which Groneman reports on his sessions with the empu Karja di Krama to the international forum of ethnologists. Not only does it survey, step by step, the creation of five krisses using 'proto pamors' but it also deals with the smithy and all the individual tools used. Groneman furthermore describes in great detail the experiments which, with the purpose of reviving the art of Javanese weapon forging, took place on his initiative with new pamor materials such as lumps of Chinese nickel and slices of German Krupp nickel. An allround history of the kris, as recorded by the Javanese themselves in chronicle or manuscripts, and an extensive alphabetical list of Javanese kris-related terms are included.
Cloth, 288 pages, 43 b/w line drawings, 32 b/w illus. of kris as published in the original text, enhanced with 269 illustrations of Javanese kris and krishafts from the collections of the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden, the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam, the Worldmuseum in Rotterdam and several private collections.
Uitgever / Publisher: C. Zwartenkot Art Books and KITLV Press, Leiden 2009
ISBN 978-90-545-006-3
Out of print, but the publisher ( )
still may have one ore more copies available.
Voor een recensie klik hier / For a review click here
Isaäc Groneman, David van Duuren (introduction and preface)
English translation of Dr. I. Groneman's articles published as 'Der Kris der Javaner' in German (1910-1913) in the Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie 19 & 21. An epoch-making early study of the Javanese kris, in which Groneman reports on his sessions with the empu Karja di Krama to the international forum of ethnologists. Not only does it survey, step by step, the creation of five krisses using 'proto pamors' but it also deals with the smithy and all the individual tools used. Groneman furthermore describes in great detail the experiments which, with the purpose of reviving the art of Javanese weapon forging, took place on his initiative with new pamor materials such as lumps of Chinese nickel and slices of German Krupp nickel. An allround history of the kris, as recorded by the Javanese themselves in chronicle or manuscripts, and an extensive alphabetical list of Javanese kris-related terms are included.
Cloth, 288 pages, 43 b/w line drawings, 32 b/w illus. of kris as published in the original text, enhanced with 269 illustrations of Javanese kris and krishafts from the collections of the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden, the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam, the Worldmuseum in Rotterdam and several private collections.
Uitgever / Publisher: C. Zwartenkot Art Books and KITLV Press, Leiden 2009
ISBN 978-90-545-006-3
Out of print, but the publisher ( )
still may have one ore more copies available.
Voor een recensie klik hier / For a review click here